Thursday, January 16, 2014

It's Too Darn Hot!

 Today the temperature reached 46.5 (115.7F) so it was worse than yesterday. It didn't seem as bad though as we stayed home all day in the air conditioning. Yesterday was spent on family commitments but I did manage to sew up some cushion forms I'd made from batting scraps.
 I also made another removable cushion for my DD's classroom as well as some more QAYG blocks to use up more scraps of batting and fabric.
 This morning I decided to pin baste another quilt- the hexagon one above. I thought I'd start doing some free-hand quilting on that before I tackle the much larger Mrs Williams quilt.
This afternoon I worked on another hand appliqued block and only have one more to make when this one is finished. DH and I are off to Europe at the end of April so I've started the planning for that trip and I'm really looking forward to it. We will be doing our own tour using Eurail so I need to take a lot of time in the planning so it all runs smoothly. Tomorrow is supposed to be hotter again and I'm back working nights again so I hope the promised cool change arrives in time for me to be able to sleep.
  So if you are in the Southern Hemisphere drink lots of fluids and stay in the shade and for our friends in the Northern Hemisphere, I hope your weather warms up but not as much as we are having here.
 Stay safe. Hugs, Jan Mac

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