Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Aftermath

 What a busy week we've had.- with a camping trip and then family home for the Christmas festivities. I didn't get any sewing done as my time was taken up with making food, changing bed linen, and all the other things necessary to ensure everyone was comfortable. All our visitors left this morning and I was looking foward to finally having some time for some hand stitching while I watched the cricket on TV. That is, apart from a couple of naps I needed to take.
   I reverse appliqued these 2 China Plate pieces to their background and appliqued the flower in the centre of the plate.
 I only have 2 left to complete and I think they look OK so far.
I have one left to be hand-pieced together and then I need to reverse applique the last 2 China Plates to their background.Then I need to finish off the hand applique for the centre block and the 2 remaining triangle pieces. Then I can finally begin to join all the pieces together. I'm pleased with my progress despite being so busy with other things for the last week and I hope to get it machine quilted very soon.
 I'd better not get ahead of myself though and get back to finishing the hand stitching. We had a lovely day of family gatherings where we celebrated Christmas and caught up on all the family news. It's always great to get together but I must admit it's also very tiring.
 I plan on having a couple of quiet days of stitching before I go back to work again. I hope you all have some quiet time to catch your breath in between the busy days of gathering for Christmas and the New Year.
Love and hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Sew nice you got to have some time to stitch Jan after a busy Christmas... I seem to have lost my mojo...

  2. The blocks are looking great, Jan! Enjoy those relaxing couple of days before the return to work!
