Friday, December 27, 2013

It's Growing!

 Now that I am just focusing on working on one of my quilts instead of all the donation quilts, I'm really making progress. I have finished the 12 China Plate blocks and am now finishing off the centre block.
 I should have that completed tonight or tomorrow. I have lots of little circles to make and applique but they don't take long to stitch when they are prepped.
 We are also enjoying our house guest, Buffy. Our youngest DD has gone on holidays and we are cat-sitting for her. She certainly livens up the household and we will miss her when she leaves on New Year's Eve. We don't have any animals of our own at the moment so we can travel without having to leave them with other people.
I am really enjoying the time to sit and stitch while spending time with DH too. Luckily I still enjoy my paid work as I have a lot of work lined up again in the new year and that will help with paying for my next trip.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hugs, Jan Mac

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