Friday, June 28, 2013

We're Off

 We are finally on the road again after delaying our trip to celebrate my dad's 88th birthday. We had a lovely family party and he enjoyed the day. One of my borthers flew in from Darwin to surprise him and almsot all of the grandchildren and great grand children were able to attend as well as Dad's four children. We had a lovely time chatting and laughing and it's always fin to get together.
We're now on our trip through the outback of NSW and Qld and then up to Cape York. Ray has asked me to start a travel blog for the trip and I'll post more photos there as internet connection allows. The blog is On The Road Again. Our first night was spent at a bush camp between Mildura (Vic) and Renmark (SA). More to come. I've also been crocheting while we are driving and have 10 sqs made in 2 days.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hugs, Jan Mac

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