Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Taste of Things to Come

 It's been a very busy week with lots of night shifts, trip preparations and not a lot of time for stitching.
 I have started a new project to work on while we are away. The star blocks are stitched over paper in the English method. Yes I could have just hand stitched them but I think the paper will make it easier for me to be accurate when the lighting isn't as good as at home.
 The Seven Sisters stars are the other project I'm taking ans as they also use 1930s reproduction fabrics I can use the leftovers from the Blazing Star blocks to make the stars for the Seven Sisters as I am just using random pieces for those.

 I also made a few more Broken Dishes blocks but have packed them away now as we have a busy weekend with my Dad's 88th birthday party and then more nights to work before we leave.
The weather is lovely and sunny today after an early frost and we are keen to get on the road again. Only a few days left before we leave. DH has asked me to start a travel blog so I'll be posting photos and trip notes on that blog and will re-direct from here when we start.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Be careful, the seven sisters blocks are addictive! Love your growing star (and the colour palette), very tempted to try one of those, once I get my sisters finished, if I can stop making them, so I can use the papers again!

  2. Thanks Sue. The stars are very addictive. The papers are 1" and I can use them for both. It's also good to have a choice of which one to work on.
    Hugs, Jan

  3. Well I see you haven't slowed down much! Look forward to reading about your hol, will it be on this blog?
