Saturday, May 11, 2013

Laugh or Cry?

 Firstly I want to thank all of you for your lovely messages of support. It has been a hard decision to make not to continue to only create quilts to donate. Instead I will be working on more of my own projects for family. However, please don't worry if you have donated money, fabric, blocks etc as I will still be making and donating quilts, just not in the same large quantities and I won't be accepting anymore donations asI have lots of my own UFOs and scraps to work with too.
  As for laughing or crying! I'm laughing here because I have finished two more quilts to donate today. One was a donated top and the second was from donated QAYG blocks. The top didn't photograph well as the light was fading fast so I may try it again tomorrow when the sun is out.
  I hope I haven't upset anyone or caused anyone else to cry as I have started deconstructing some of the donated tops. I received a lot of large medallion tops to quilt and they are too large for the groups I am supporting now. Therefore I am taking them back to no larger than 50" by 70" as that is a more practical size. I am using the leftovers to make more quilts or to add to the backing so they will all still be used. I hope no one minds me changing a top you donated, but I need to make it easier to get them finished too.
 I am still cleaning out my sewing room and making decisions about some UFOs. I am re-purposing those projects that will be suitable for donation quilts, and some just need to be taken apart and the fabric used for something else. I took a beading class some years ago and really enjoyed the class. However, it has sat in the pile of unfinished projects for too long and I know that I won't use it now so I have taken all the beads off and will use the fabric and beads on another project. I feel that I learned a lot in the class and it was a class sample but not something I can make into a usable item.
 So I'm laughing that my break from donation quilts was so short but I have two of my own quilts to quilt and I'm procrastinating as I can't decide on a quilt design for the hexagon diamonds. Anyone have any ideas? Never mind there is always tomorrow.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. Do whatever you feel is necessary to use up the donated quilt tops, dear lady. I think I have a large fabric stash, but it would be nothing in comparison to yours!
