Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Change in Direction

     It's time for me to take a change in direction now. After almost 20 years of making and donating quilts and other items I have decided to retire from spending all my time making items to donate.  I will still make and donate quilts and blankets but on a much smaller scale and I will no longer be accepting donations as I still have a lot of donated tops and blocks to finish off.
   I want to say a very heartfelt thank you to everyone for their support and donations for the needy and those affected by floods and bushfires. We have managed to bring comfort and warmth to many in need. I do encourage you to continue to make and donate as you see fit, and there are many organizations which help in our communities. 
Janice of Needy Stitches in Melbourne ( supports many different organizations which help the needy in Melbourne and country Victoria. She is able to accept finished quilts, knitted items as well as crocheted or knitted blanket squares. I have been sending quilts to her as well and she passes them on to many different organizations. She is unable to accept fabric or unfinished quilts and tops though.
 I need to take time for me as well as more time for the family and I hope you all understand that this wasn't any easy decision to make.
 Today I finished my hexagon top and I'm still pondering what quilting design to use. I have also been hand appliqueing stars to a cream background. These stars were donated and  the finished stars are now stitched to the background but there are still some more stars to construct from the donated pieces. I'm using this as a handy take-along project when I need some hand stitching to work on.
  I will post some more finishes very soon, or at least show some progress on them.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Jan on behalf of all those who have received your generosity over the last 20 years a HUGE thank you for your tireless work and co-ordination of such a massive task. You are loved and appreciated by strangers the world over. I wish you all the very best in whatever comes next in the journey I am sure you will bring the wonderfulness of your heart to whatever you do and to all the people in your life. xxxx

  2. Jan, thank you for your work and generosity to those who are less fortunate. Take time out for YOU and the FAMILY, life is so short and now is the time for you and you only. Whatever you do, travel safe, enjoy life and smell the roses. I will treasure your friendship and hope to see you around the quilting world.

  3. Well done Jan for making this decision, you've done an amazing job.
    Love from Kay

  4. Good for you after all these years you deserve some time to do what is important to you at this time of your life.
    You have done such a wonderful job over the years making and donating quilts to those in need of them

  5. We should all be standing and clapping you, Jan. You (and your hubby) have done an awesome job over many years. You should be proud of what you have achieved. Enjoy your well deserved "retirement". You will leave a gap, but only temporarily. Now that it is there, others will step in and pick up the baton. The quilting world thanks you. The receivers of quilts thank you. :)

  6. I bet your husband is jumping up and down with glee now. So happy that you made the decision to look after you as well. Your hexagon quilt is just perfect from where I sit. I wish I had your get up and go. You are amazing. Love the happy background too. Cherrie

  7. I can only applaud you for your committment and generousity over the years. You are a very special lady Jan Mac.
    A good decision to take time out for yourself. Do so, and enjoy!!

  8. Congratulations to you and hubby for all the work you have done over the years....
    Nice to take time out for yourself..

  9. Congratulations on all you have achieved over the years. I have only followed you for a few months but can appreciate the amount of quilts you have made yourself, completed from donated blocks and inspired others to send you. Enjoy going down a gear and spending more time with your husband and family. You deserve it!

  10. That hexie quilt top looks wonderful Jan! Good on you for making the decision to do more things for yourself and your family. You have been just amazing in all that you have achieved in providing warm items for the needy, especially all those quilts you've made, as well as ones you got from donors, which you finished off so they were useful. A job well done but now it's time for you and your family.
