Saturday, April 13, 2013

Family Wedding and a Rogue Cutter

 Yesterday was a day of ups and downs but the best part was a family wedding. One of my beautiful nieces married the love of her life and it was a beautiful wedding and a lovely family occasion to celebrate. Unfortunately I was also trying to finish off a QAYG quilt before the wedding and managed to slice off the top of my middle finger and fingernail on my left hand. It is now more like the length of the two fingers either side. It took me several hours to get the bleeding to stop and when I tried to change the dressing for a smaller one it started up again so I had a large bandage on my finger for the wedding and was on strong medication to deal with the pain. It would have been better if there was a skin flap I could have put pressure on but I sliced it clean through so no sewing or much of anything at the moment.
 The Melbourne Homeless Connect Day is on April 17th and I was trying to get a few more quilts done for that. I'm just so annoyed that I fell into the trap of not taking enough care with the cutter so please don't do as I did and be careful.
   I guess I have to rest a bit more now. At least I can go to work but I wish I could sew or crochet too.
Hugs, Jan Mac
PS- I've managed to soak the bandage off and the bone wasn't involved luckily. It's feeling much better now and I hope to be able to start sewing again very soon.


  1. I am so so sorry. A sewer's nightmare. You'll have an extra reason to remember your niece's wedding. Cherrie

  2. what a pretty wedding - so nice to see a bride not wearing a strapless dress! Hope the finger heals soon

  3. Thanks Cherrie and Mary-anne. The finger is much better now I have been able to soak the old dressing off and change it for one a bit less bulky.
    Hugs, Jan Mac

  4. Eeewwww ouch! How horrible for you, I hope you heel soon and can get back to sewing. When I was first learning to quilt the teacher told us a story of one of her students brushing a fly away from her face (without thinking)and slicing her cheek open with the rotary cutter. I've had the heebee geebies about potential cuts ever since.

  5. What a beautiful wedding Jan. Have enjoyed your photos of Tassie. Take care with your finger, hope it is feeling better.
