Sunday, April 14, 2013

Back on Schedule

 Thank you all for your best wishes. I was just so annoyed that I had cut myself when we all know how easy it would be and to take great care when using the rotary cutters. I soaked the bandages off and it is doing much better now and I was lucky not to cut down to the bone so antibiotics are not likely to be required. Now that the bleeding has stopped I've persevered  and finished off two more quilts so they can be posted off in time for the Melbourne Homeless Connect Day. I'm working night shift tonight so DH will post off the boxes of quilts and blankets for me. I'm sending off 2 more blankets and 20 quilts, ranging in size from single bed to cot sized. The quilt I've shown was made from a variety of scrap and crumb blocks and will help to warm someone this winter.
  While we were away I received 3 beautiful quilts donated by Maria Wilson of WA and they will be shown on my other blog along with the quilts I finished today. I also received a lovely large box of batting pieces from an anonymous donor and they will be a big help for me to get more tops finished into quilts. Gina W. from Vic also sent along a lovely parcel of yarn and it is getting made into crocheted blanket squares so I should have another blanket finished very soon.
  Many thanks for all of your support to help keep the needy warm this winter. I'm off to sleep now before I go to work and I have a few more sets of QAYG blocks ready to make into quilts so they will be completed ASAP.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Glad the wool arrived! I still don't have a sewing machine, so no quilt tops being done at the moment. But I'm going to the Quilt Convention next week with a list of requirements and plan to spend most of my time checking out the sewing machine stands. Are you going to the Convention this year, Jan?

  2. Thank goodness your finger is healing well and you don't need to go on antibiotics...

  3. Hi Gina, Yes I'm going to AQC but not doing classes as nothing appealed to me this year. I will probably be there to see the quilts for one day.
    Hugs, Jan Mac

  4. Missed your previous post but my blood ran cold when I read about your finger. Always a dread of mine. When I first started quilting it was impressed upon me to always close the blade cover every time I made a cut and I have always done that. But it's when you are trimming quilts thru various layers when the ruler is more likely to slip and cause an accident. Hope all continues to go well and I 'm glad the wedding was such a happy day.
