Monday, May 21, 2012

Victorian High Country

 A spur of the moment trip to the Victorian High Country last week meant that I had little time at home. We had a great few days camping even though winter is on its way and there was even snow on the ground up in the mountains. The days were beautiful and sitting around the camp fire at night meant that we had a relaxing time with family.
  We had some family visitors at the weekend as well as a family get-to-gether and it was also a lovely relaxed time. Today was spent getting some of my jobs done, posting wool off to a small group in inland Queensland, who knit for charity and are out of wool. It was good to be able to share some of my yarn stash and it's a great way of out-sourcing to get more things made for the needy.
I'm hoping to get more quilts finished tomorrow and will have some finishes to show soon. In the meantime I'm crocheting more squares for a blanket.
I hope you are all enjoying some crafting time.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. beautiful country there, i'd love to be able to walk it sometime.

  2. Lovely photos of some very impressive looking country Jan. Maybe I can help that group of knitters too? Send me the details via email or FB. My stash, if piled up, would rival one of the Glasshouse Mtns here in SE Qld! lol

  3. Lovely photos of a piece of paradise...sigh. We never seem to get the time to go anywhere these days. With Ken still working, the three days a week he doesn't work are taken up with medical appointments, maintenance chores with house and vehicles, then he's just too darn tired to go anywhere.
    At least being home means I get to do a lot of crafty stuff. Speaking of which, I have just put the border on my tartan quilt top today and will be posting it to you on Wednesday - YAAAY!
    I took all my bags to a lovely lady in Notting Hill that your friend in Seaford directed me to. We had a lovely chat!

  4. How pretty! hope you had a great time!
    xoxo melzie
