Saturday, May 12, 2012

Parcels From Afar

I'm not sure where this week has gone as I have been busy working and now have night shifts for the next few nights too. The weather is lovely and sunny here even of the wind has a winter bite to it and I'm still making crocheted. squares for blankets for the homeless and needy.
  I received more fabulous parcels from across the country and from across the world.
 Delys Rogers (WA) sent 5 more beautiful beanies as well as 15 QAYG blocks for me to use in donation quilts. The other parcel came from even further away- from Ulla in Finland! Ulla sent a master-piece quilt made from crumb blocks as well as maverick stars. It will bring so much joy to it's new owner but I don't know how she could bear to part with it. She has even made lettering around the borders to spell out words of comfort. I'll show a larger photo of it on my other blog as well as a couple of other finishes for this week.
 I hope you've all had a productive and pieceful week too. Today is the 30th birthday of  our favourite (and only) son, Aaron. Oh the memories of 30 years ago. LOL!
Have a great week, Hugs, Jan Mac

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