Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Side-Tracked Knitter and a Donation

Firstly I found some of the pattern and the fabric from the last dress I made for DD2. I sent it off to her and I'm still waiting to hear if it fits. I was trying to get it done while the weather is still warm enough to wear it and I posted it off to her last week. DD's Grade 3 girls loved the goodies I included in the parcel and think that her mummy is very clever- Thanks girls!
The weather has also turned colder at night so I've been working on a few different knitting projects. I must get side-tracked easily because I often have more than one knitting (sewing and quilting too) project on the go. Can anyone else relate?
DD2's best friend is expecting her first baby in a few months so I've been working on some baby knitting for her. I like to have some in pinks, blues and as well as a beautiful soft creamy colour so I can produce a gift at short notice. The blue cardigan with a moss stitch detail is from a recent Paton's baby knitting book. Oh I forgot I also have a cream baby shawl on the needles too! Whoops better show that another time or you'll really think I get side-tracked easily.
The beautiful bright pink will be a beret for a little girl. I'm using one of the Guardian Pharmacy free patterns for that an I'm happy to share if anyone wants it. It fits sizes 1,2 or 3 years. The yarn is an acrylic I bought from the Wangaratta Woolen Mills when we passed through there on our way to Beechworth. Actually we had to make a special detour to visit the factory sales and it was well worth the side trip. They sell acrylic for $12 a kg which is fabulous for making items to donate. They sell all different plys as well as pure wool and also fill phone orders if you're not able to visit them.
The last piece of pink knitting is for a scarf for the Brisbane Homeless Connect Day to be held in May. I bought the wool for 50 cents a ball at Spotlight and am using that when I need a break from fine knitting. Actually I also crochet sqs for blankets when I need a break from all knitting or when I need something which requires no concentration. Perhaps I get bored easily rather than side-tracked!
I also received a fabulous quilt top, backing and binding from Pat Tenorio and the ExSanity Quilters from NSW. It will make a wonderful quilt to donate so I'd better not get too side-tracked and get some more finished. I also have some more donated quilts to show at Oz Comfort Quilts.
What is on your knitting needles and do you get side-tracked by different projects too? I hope to show some more finishes soon so thanks for stopping by.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Side-tracked is my middle name! I am currently knitting a prayer shawl, a scarf, a hat, and a baby blanket... and my quilting projects are even worse.

  2. Hey, Jan, I discovered that my classified ads fabric is from Australia! Here's the info:
    Riley Blake Designs Pattern C2832, Peak Hour by Kellie Wulfsonn for Don't Look Now! c.2012 rileyblakedesigns(dot)com

  3. Thanks for that info Carol. Beleieve it or not it will probably be cheaper for me to buy it from the US, even with the postage costs. I'll start looking for it online.
    Many thanks for your kind comments. I had a post for today but inter net is slow and now I'm working night shift again.
    Hugs, Jan Mac

  4. Jan, I've always got different things on the go. I don't knit anymore, but still do crochet and a lot of cross stitch, not to mention my quilts...... It isn't that you get bored easily, your brain needs the stimulation (IMHO) or that's what I tell my family when they ask - you doing something else???

  5. I always have more than one thing on the go for knitting, quilting, and embroidery.
