Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Focus and Finish

In spite of working night shifts again I did manage to maintain focus and get some of the knitted garments finished. I still have 2 baby jackets and a baby shawl on the needles as well as finishing off another crocheted blanket so I should have some more finishes soon.
I also finished off two more quilts for kids and they are on my other blog.
The last two photos show the cushion (with scenes from London) I made for DD's upcoming birthday combined with one I bought. I love fabric with writing on it and these will suit her couch perfectly as well as bringing back happy memories of her travels. It only took me about 15 minutes to make the cushion and add a zip so I need to make some more for me too and replace some of ours that are looking a bit tired. A bit like me at the moment LOL!
I know it's still early but I'm off to bed again to try to catch up on some more sleep.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. They are so sweet and will put a smile on someone face.

  2. Nice little baby cap Jan, a very pretty pattern. Looks a bit like a very light cable.
