Saturday, April 2, 2011

Donations Still Arrive

While I was away last week I received these very generous donations. The first one was of 24 lovely QAYG blocks all the way from Italy. Luisa Boldori made the blocks and also sent me a beautiful quilt pin as a gift with the writing- Luisa's Quilt Friends. What a lovely gift idea and I'll be very proud to wear the pin too.
Delys Rogers (WA) sent another large parcel with tote bags, 30 QAYG blocks, bindings and fabric and they will make some lovely quilts for Qld.
The last photo shows some lovely binding made and donated by Kathleen from California in the US.
All of these wonderful donations are a gift of time for me and allow me to get more quilts finished and donated on your behalf.
Thanks you all so much for your generosity of spirit and gift of quilts to comfort others. It really does make a difference to those who receive the quilts as well as lifting the spirits of those who give them out on our behalf.
Love and hugs, Jan Mac

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