Friday, April 1, 2011

What Happened to March?

Carnivale happened for a quilting retreat for the Southern Cross Quilters! We meet every year at a different venue and this year it was held at Kiama on the beautiful NSW coast. We had a wonderful time and the very brave, Anne, my room-mate took a tandem sky-dive. I foolishly agreed to go para-sailing with her at Townsville (Qld) next year. What was I thinking!!
There was lots of talking and laughing and I was also very lucky to receive many donations of QAYG blocks, blocks, tops, quilts and fabric as well as a very generous donation of money to be used for postage and batting costs. The pink pig shown was passed around and people made a gold coin donation and many put in notes. Their generosity is wonderful and I feel very humbled that people trust me to ensure that all donations go where they are most needed.
We had entertainment with jugglers and a performance of hula hooping as well as many wearing masks and just letting their hair down. Have you ever heard 130 quilters all talking at once? It was noisy but great fun and it's good to be home and catching up on sleep. We also had a trip to Melbourne for our youngest DD's birthday so now it's time to get back to work in the Quilt Factory and I will soon have more quilts to show you. Some are already on my other blog and I'll soon post photos of the donations which have arrived while I was away.
Take care, Jan Mac

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