Sunday, November 7, 2010

What a Busy Week!

We started with a busy day of shopping at the Galleria where we visited the huge shoe outshop where we bolstered the US economy considerably. After all we couldn't buy fabric at the Quilt Festival until Wednesday night. I almost bought a pirate coat and Julie almost bought a silly hat! Luckily common sense almost prevailed and I only bought Texan boots.
Then on Wednesady we did a shop hop and had a lunch at a Texan ranch. Of course we had to buy fabric, in fact we had to buy a lot of fabric. We returned at 5pm just in time for the quilt shops to open at the Festival. Luckily we had not bought enough fabric and the force was too strong to be resisted. I started with a list and at the end of the 4 hours I had almost more bags than I could carry but had not even started on my list. Luckily the shops were open again and I started a new list!
I also managed to get a bit of fresh air as we've been walking everywhere and here is a Texan policeman handing out a ticket. Apparently you need a horse in Texas but Julie won't let me get one so I'll have to settle for a stetson.

We also saw a motor cade stop all the traffic outside our hotel and heard it was for a US football team. We told the doorman that not even our prime minister gets that sort of special treatment. He said we could have one too if we paid $100 a hour for the experience but we decided that we'd rather buy fabric. Actually We've stopped buying fabric now and we are buying books instead!
Sorry that I've been quiet on my blog- apparently I haven't been quiet over here and we've been having plenty of fun. Unfortunately Helen decided that she wasn't well enough to continue with the trip and returned home last evening. At least she managed to go on the shop hop and see some of the Festival.
I'd better close now as I have a class in the morning and we both need our beauty sleep. Well actually only I need it as Julie still looks fresh- all that Tasmaniin air she gets on the sunny East Coast.
Cheers until hopefully tomorrow when I'll report on the people we've been rubbing shoulders with over here.
Cheers, Jan and Julie


  1. Jan, Am enjoying reading of your travels. You have put a smile on my face today. I plan on doing this trip in a couple of years, so will continue to follow your progress.

  2. Glad to see you're enjoying it all. Sorry to hear that Helen nneded to retire - you guys must have worn her out too quickly!!!

  3. thats a pity that Helen has returned home hope she enjoyed herself.
    Sounds like you 2 are having a ball.
    Thanks for the updates

  4. What a wonderful time you are having. You must posting all that fabric back or else you would be overwieght with your luggage.

  5. Jan that's the funniest shopping trip story i've ever read, how wonderful that you're having so much fun. k.
