Monday, November 8, 2010

Bonding in the US

Just wanted to write a quick blog about the people we've met during our travels to Houston. We were advised not to be too friendly or chat to the US customs officers as they won't like it. However, after I was fingered printed and photographed I felt that we were developing a bond and he started to ask about our travel plans. Then Julie came up and after fingerprinting her- she was dusted for gunpowder residue as her hands were too sweaty for the prints to record well. She was also patted down in Auckland but I can assure you that she's harmless. Anyway as we left after chatting, he advised us not to get into any trouble and I told him that we're too old for that- little did he know.
Then we went over to the airline for our flight to Houston and tried for an earlier flight instead of waiting for the 5 or 6 hours. We'd cleared customs very quickly despite them screening Julie for all manner of things!! We were placed on stand by and we bonded with a very nice young man who we are now on a first name basis with. We went from being unlikely to getting on the flight, as it was over-booked, to being a possibility. Then he thought he could do it and we were giving him the thumbs up sign. Finally he got us on the flight and even personally escorted us on the plane and waved us off. He'll look us up if he can find us! We arrived in Houston before we would have left LA so we were very happy albeit tired. I felt very much at home with the exception of almost getting into the shuttle bus driver's seat- I hadn't realized that the doors were reveresed and the driver wasn't very amused- no bonding took place.
We made friends with the hotel staff and we know them by name. Of course at the Quilt Festival there was all manner of bonding occuring. We've been Quilting Groupies and have been rubbing shoulders with the Quilting Royalty. A few of them are shown here. I know that you'll say that we know Julie and Jan but who are the others?
I did a half day class with The Baltimore Master Quilter- Elly Sienkiewicz. I was under strict instructions from Julie not to drool over her or touch her too much. I didn't care whether or not I stitched, I was just happy to be in the same room as her. She was a wonderful teacher and a delightful lady. She even remembered the book she'd put aside for me and signed it as well. I'm not going to wash my right cheek now as she gave me a kiss and a hug so I am still bonding with the best of them. This was a long dreamed of event for me and I'm very happy.
We also bonded with Judith Baker Montarno over a coffee.

Had a hug and photo with Ricky Tims and Julie was cheeky enough to invite him to Tasmania. We've both agreed to see him when he comes over.
I also bonded with Ami Simms when I bought a small wall hanging to aid Alzheimer's Disease, as we've both lost our lovely Mums to this horrible disease. We had a cry togther and she now has one of my tissues. What a lovely lady and she was an absolute hoot at the auction social event and we hadn't even had much to drink at that stage.
We're off to DC in the morning and if and when I have time from all this bonding we're doing I may even show some photos of the quilts at the Show. Believe it or not we did actually managed to fit in some viewing in between bonding and shopping.
I've asked Julie not to encourage me to buy anymore fabric at least for a day or so as we've crammed a lot of fabric into the cases and are seriously thinking of ditching most of our clothes. Off to bed now to dream of the adventures to come- we're hoping we may get to bond with the Obamas even if they don't quilt!!
Hugs Julie and Jan


  1. who would have thought, and you are normally such a quiet, shy girl! hgz, k.

  2. OMG you two cuddling Ricky Tims, I hope you got a firm assurance he will come down under real soon.
