Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Flooded But Holding...

Here's a few more photos of our flooded farm. We are still surrounded by flood waters but they are holding at the moment. It will be a few days before they recede and we're praying that the rain predicted for Thursday won't be a problem.
We expect to be stranded for about a week but I'm hoping for a good night's sleep tonight.
In the meantime I'm almost finished a block of hand appliqued flowers and leaves for my Civil War Bride quilt.
I find hand stitching to be the best stress reliever so at least my time has been productive.
Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes. It looks like the river has peaked and our house will stay dry. I may even get some more tops quilted for the next shipment to Pakistan tomorrow.
Take care, Jan Mac


  1. the water is so close!
    hoping the waters recede soon ;-)

  2. So pleased you are keeping dry. Praying the rains on Thursday don't cause any more flooding.
    Happy Stitching Jan

  3. gosh it's not far away is it, i see the brick you have there as a marker. I'm just hoping that the little rise you are on will be enough for Thursday/Friday. I told Mum this morning that you had made it thru the night and she was so relieved.
    How good that you find the stitching relaxing, at lesat that's something. Do you have enough food, water? We all might have to make you a quilt soon!!
    hugz, kaite

  4. Hang in there. It looks frightening.

  5. Hang in there and hoping the water will not go higher up.

  6. Good luck - that looks tense!! Just keep stitching, just keep stitching (Dori, from "Finding Nemo").

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  7. Jan - I have some almost completed Heartstring quilts plus several dozen string blocks that I would like to snail mail to you if you are interested in receiving them. Can you let me know please?


    Megan Fisher
