Sunday, September 12, 2010

Flood Waters Gone and Stitching...

We were very lucky and the flood waters didn't enter our home and as we were stranded I spent the time quilting. I finished 2 tops as shown here and also 5 quilts which I'll post on the other blog at Oz Comfort quilts. One of the tops was made from 2 separate sets of donated blocks and the white, red and blue top was also donated in parts. It was possibly a beginner's quilt and it was impossible to match the squares in the design. I didn't use sashing as I didn't have anything which looked good with them and the size was large enough without adding sashings and borders, so I made an executive decision and just joined them together. Someone will appreciate the warm hug even if the points are nowhere near matching. I did manage to put another 3 QAYG quilts together and the pile of blocks is diminishing.
I also decided I needed to work on some of my WIPs too so I have some finished quilts to give to my kids eventually. The floral block is from my Civil War Bride quilt and the other blocks are from my Tribute to Mrs Williams quilt. Both of them are from patterns drafted by the talented Corliss Searchy of Threadbear quilt shop in Castlemaine. They are based on my favourite time period of the American Civil War and they are based on quilts from that era.
I am really enjoying doing some hand work and find it is very relaxing which is just what I needed for a stressful week.
I also want to sincerely thank all of you who sent messages of support and sent prayers and good wishes. I have decided to add my address details on the blogs again at the request of some of my followers. I'm still amazed that anyone takes the time to see what I've been doing. I love reading other people's blogs and when I know that people are also reading mine it does encourage me to blog more often. On the other hand I also need to limit my computer use so I get enough time to make the donation quilts.
Have a great day.
Hugs Jan Mac


  1. So pleased you stayed dry.Being stuck in the house was a chance for you to do your favorite pastime , sewing quilts for others. WOW you also managed to sew some lovely projects of you own.
    have a great week Jan.

  2. you must have been very focused Jan to have done so much. I would have just stood there and worried!
    great to see your property now high and dry, cheers kaite
