Saturday, January 13, 2024

A Visit to a Wildlife Park and Anuradhapura.

Our second day started at 8am and finished at 9pm when we finally reached our hotel. Thankfully we ate dinner on our way. We didn't see leopards as joprd for but saw lots of birds, spotted deer, water buffalo and crocodiles.
We're staying at the Heritage Hotel in Anuradhapura so we could visit one of the UNESCO Sites. 

We enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch but most of my photos aren't available at the moment until I can download from my camera.

It was a long day in 30 degree heat and with high humidity but it was a

So very interesting.  We left the hotel again at 8am, ate lunch after 1.30 and then reached our hotel at 3.45, after a quick stop at a supermarket for some snacks. I had my second cold shower here as hot water wasn't available again but it was refreshing and not a problem. Tonight will be an earlier night as we have an early start again in the morning.

Hugs, Jan Mac xx 

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