Thursday, March 9, 2023

Uniforms 4 Kids Victoria

Yesterday was a very exciting day for our lovely group,  Uniforms 4 Kids Victoria, as I made our first delivery of 200 items, made from donated obsolete uniforms from Ambulance Victoria, to Big Group Hug. It wasn't our official launch but it was important to deliver the clothing while it was still suitable for the season.  
Big Group Hug are an organisation based in Bundoora,  which supports disadvantaged families and children in need,  and our delivery was timely as they had requested clothing for their clients.   I met Jill on site and she was very impressed with the group's creative skills in upcycling uniforms into new clothing for children in need.
  I delivered 25 dresses, 72 skirts, 58 pair of shorts, 5 pair of long pants, 8 tops, 14 bucket hats, 7 bags, 4 pencil cases, 1 scrunchie and 3 sets of shorts and matching tops.
Our official launch with Ambulance Victoria will occur when we can arrange a suitable time and I have kept back 12 items to display then. We've been operating for 12 months and it's lovely to know that we are keeping lots of good fabric out of landfill by repurposing it.
Many thanks to everyone who has helped and please spread the word so that we can encourage more dressnakers to join.

Hugs, Jan Mac xx 


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