Sunday, February 19, 2023

A Special Birthday and Some Finishes. .

I had a special birthday on the 7th of February but unfortunately I contracted the Rota virus 2 days before so celebrations were delayed somewhat. Blogger isn't co-operating with leading my photos in order so this post is a bit out of order - like my birthday. 

    The first lovely top was donated by Sandra Orszaczky from ACT and the second lovely quilt top was donated by Robin Walker and the Fishbowler Sewists from Tasmania. 

Another donated quilt top which I have finished. 
Ray bought me some beautiful red roses for my birthday and I  love, love, love roses! So I  was very spoilt.
More beautiful flowers from family.
My special quilting friends surprised me with this fabulous quilt,  hand pieced and hand quilted, and I'm not sure that I'm worthy of such a special gift. I love it and will treasure it because it was made with love and friendship as well as containing my favourites such as hand appliqued circles, hexagons and Civil War reproduction fabric. 
Another donated quilt top made in flannelette which I have quilted. 
Also I, finished crocheting a single bed blanket which is also going to Rochester for flood affected families. 
It was very annoying to get sick when I  had so many things to do as well as celebrations but that's life. I'm a bit behind with blog posts and hope to catch up soon.
Hugs, Jan Mac xx 


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