Thursday, January 26, 2023

Happy Australia Day.

I've had a few free days this week so more quilting was the result and it's great to have more quilts ready to donate, especially as one of the palliative care providers has requested more quilts for their clients. Even though we're running a quilt drive for flood affected communities we're still providing quilts for the other organisations we support.

 This lovely quilt top  in pink was donated by Diane Cutting from ACT. 

Marion Thompson (Vic) donated this cute baby quilt top.
Marg Spencer (Vic) donated these cute QAYG blocks for a child's quilt.
Ann Lynch  (Vic) has donated the cute quilt tops above and below for children. 
These lovely QAYG blocks were donated by Marie Lee and the Victorian Quilter's Association.  A big congratulations to Marie for being awarded the OAM today, for her tireless work promoting quilting and supporting Quilters by holding Gift Quilt days for Vic Quilters. 
Jean O'Connor ( Vic) made the next lovely quilt top and Mary Anne Rooney donated the batting,  backing and binding. 
Another lovely QAYG quilt made by combining blocks from several Quilters.

 Many thanks everyone for your generous donations and support. I hope you all enjoyed your Australia Day and had some quiet time for stitching. 

Hugs, Jan Mac xx 

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