Friday, October 21, 2022

Quilt Drive For Victorian Flood Affected Areas.

Jennifer Moores donated another 2 lovely quilts and Dymphne Anderson stitched the binding for her.
Lots of fabulous quilts were donated by members of Southern Cross Quilters during the retreat.

Three beautifully hand knitted socks were donated by SCQuilters  too.
Pam Knight donated another 8 pair of beautifully knitted socks for toddlers. 
Mary Anne Rooney donated 8 large bags of teddy bears and our precious little granddaughter,  Sophie, was helping me to pack them into boxes, giving them a quick cuddle first. It will take me a few days to catch up as I'm busy sewing labels on quilts for a couple of organisations who have requested more quilts for their clients. It's lively having so many on hand to supply them as needed.

Hugs, Jan Mac 


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