Saturday, September 24, 2022

A Busy Week.

We gave 10 quilts , 10 crocheted blankets,  40 knitted beanies,  some toiletries and school supplies to Big Group Hug, an organisation which helps disadvantaged children in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne.  

Peter Mac is another organisation we support and we donated 1 quilt, a table runner, 4 wall hangings,  3 hand knitted baby jackets, a beanie and a fabric pouch, all made by me and to be sold in their auxiliary shop.  They sell items to raise money for patient services and the first photo shows a Christmas themed wall hanging that I made from a panel.

This quilt was a donated UFO which we finished to donate to Peter Mac as well. Originally the edges were to be finished as "knife edge" but that was too complicated so Kaye Hardman very kindly helped me to hand applique the irregularly shaped border to another fabric border. Kaye also appliqued hexagons over the corners. 
This baby's quilt top was donated by Marion Thompson and will be donated to Life's Little Treasures for premature babies.
Another children's top name by Tracey Leonard from heart blocks donated by Fran Williams and Jo Sharman from Tasmania. 
Jennifer Moores donated the next children's quilt and Dymphne Anderson stitched the binding.
Kaye Hardman and friends have also been busy knitting and donated 9 beautifully knitted teddy bears and 3 baby blankets for premmie babies.
They also knitted a child's beanie and 4 beautifully knitted premmie baby jackets. 
Kaye also made 37 Santa Sacks/ drawstring bags from fabric donated by Norma Aitken. 
Kaye Scaletti (Vic) donated 5 beautiful quilts as well as 2 crocheted blankets and 6 beautiful baby blankets. 

Sharyn Davidson from Qld donated 10 beautifully crocheted blankets to keep children warm.

Thank you all so much for your generous support. 

Hugs, Jan Mac 

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