Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Happy Birthday Aidan.

We had a lovely day celebrating our beautiful grandsons's birthday on Saturday when Aidan turned 3.
We'd enjoyed a trip on Puffing Billy on Tuesday, which was his actual birthday,  and then there was a house-warming party combined with his birthday.  The kids had a great time playing hide and seek and playing together. 
We enjoyed it too although I had a sore throat which developed into a nasty head cold so I have spent most of the last 3 days in bed. Sadly I had to miss attending Wyndham Patchworkers quilt show, which I  was really looking forward to attending.
Earlier in the week we delivered 20 quilts to Eastern Palliative Care,  20 quilts to SECASA and 3 quilts, some blankets and a virtually new donated bike to a newly arrived Ukrainian family of mother with twin 10 year old girls.
The bike was donated by Margot Bailey and a helmet and bike chain was donated by Norma Aitken .
Many thanks everyone for your generous donations and support. 
Hugs, Jan Mac 



  1. Pleased Aidan had a lovely birthday 🥳.
    Sad you are unwell and missed the show, hope you’re feeling better soon.

  2. That's a wonderful lot of donations from your group. Hope you are feeling better now, you must have felt terrible to need three days in bed.
