Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Uniforms 4 Kids Victoria

I made the first dress from a navy uniform shirt donated by Ambulance Victoria. 
Cathy Bruton and the Inverloch Chatty Crafters are the first Victorian sewing group for Uniforms 4 Kids  Victoria and they have upcycled donated uniforms from Ambulance Victoria to make these very cute clothes for children in need. 
cathy Bruton and Sue Shea have made 3 dresses, 4 pair of shorts, 2 skirts, one with a matching hair scrunchie, and 2 bags.
The children are going to love their new clothes and it's  a great way to save good fabric from landfill and provide lovely clothes for children in need.

I made this last dress from a uniform shirt . I didn't use a pattern,  just cut it across under the arms, made a lined bodice and used left over fabric from quilt backing for the ties and the bodice. A very quick make and I will be makng some more like this.

  If you're interstate or in regional Victoria I can provide instructions for making gathered skirts from 2 rectangles of fabric, supply elastic and pay for return postage, if anyone would like to join us.

 Hugs, Jan Mac 

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