Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Finishes and Donations.

I've been busy despite the ongoing heat and have finished more donated tops. The first one was made by Tracey Leonard (Vic) and made from heart blocks donated by Fran Williams and Jo Sharman from Tasmania. 

Diane Cutting (ACT) has donated quite a few quilt tops and this lovely bright one is one of hers.
Barbara Dawson from Victoria has donated several tops and this lovely I Spy top was another one of her beautiful creations.
Jo Lewis from Qld donated this fabulous quilt top made from 4 inch blocks which have been pieced from the tiniest of scraps.
Sandra Jahnke (Vic) has donated several sets of sheets and some pillow cases. 
Sue Taylor (Vic) has donated 4 lovely quilt tops for children as well as 2 sets of binding, 2 beautifully crocheted blankets for babies and some large pieces of fabric for backings.

 Many thanks everyone for your generous donations and support. 

Hugs, Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your Australia Day award, Jan. Well deserved!
