Tuesday, July 13, 2021

A Special Day and a Quilt.

We had a lovely family celebration on Sunday for my dear sister's 70th birthday.  Unfortunately one brother was sick and the other was unable to enter Victoria due to Covid restrictions but it was a lovely day to catch up with family.
I didn't get a photo of anything as we were busy chasing grandchildren,  holding the baby or talking to everyone but I did take a couple of photos of the venue as we left. My sister very kindly couriered 2 big bags of donated soft toys from Shepparton and they're currently being washed and will soon have a little vest each before being donated to kids in foster care.
For my lovely Mum's 70th birthday I had asked all the family to trace their hands and sign the block and we stem stitched the outline of each hand and I made a quilt for her. My niece decided to do the same for my sister and I put the quilt together after she had stitched all the hand blocks. She was very happy with her surprise quilt and I know that her grandchildren will love comparing their hand size as they grow older.

    The photo of the quilt isn't great but it's hard to take photos when the light is good during winter.

Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. Glad you had a lovely family day. The quilt was a great idea!

  2. Fantastic effort everyone. Beautiful birthday quilt too.
