Sunday, May 23, 2021

Busy Trying to Catch Up.

It's hard to believe that little Sophie is 4 weeks old already and she's just a delightful baby who sleeps well and hardly cries. I had to make the elephant without a pattern and would have done better with more time but it will have to do.
More donations have arrived from Kathie Williamson who sent 2 lovely Cabbage Patch dolls and 12 Barbie dolls which we will donate with new clothes for Christmas gifts for kids in care. If anyone likes to sew or knit doll's clothes they would be very welcome.
Anne Sushames of Anshabelle Quilting has very kindly quilted tops for us and she quilted the next 4. Mary-anne Goss from SA donated the first lovely top. 
Lynn Pickersgill from NSW donated the lovely quilt top in grey and yellow.

Marg Coulthard (Vic) donated these lovely 10 teddy bears in their new jumpers.

Jean Harvey and Jo Calder donated the knitted squares to make more lovely blankets for children.  Jean is 92 and has loved knitting and sewing for most of her life.
Norma Aitken donated 6 cot blankets and a baby's sleeping bag. 

Tracey Leonard sewed together the many donated heart blocks from Fran Williams and Jo Sharman from Tasmania. 
Tracey also donated some hand knits and soft toys.

Lex Collins donated 3 lovely baby wraps and 2 beautifully knitted baby cardigans, as well as some soft toys.

Many thanks to everyone for their very generous donations.  I've been busy packing boxes and will delivering more quilts and blankets soon.
I also finished another QAYG quilt made from smaller blocks donated by Marie Lee and the Victorian Quilter's Association. I have a few blog posts to catch up with showing donations and finishes so hope to get them caught up this week.

Hugs, Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. Sophie is a sweet little girl and it’s hard to believe she’s four weeks already.....
    You have a so many generous folk donating many great quilts blankets, teddies and toys 🧸...
