Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Big Day of Donations - 91 Quilts.

 Today was a big day of donating 91 quilts,  39 knitted/crocheted blankets and 18 boxes of  hand knitted garments for babies and children,  toys, knitted hats, scarves etc. I also included 16 of the rescued teddy bears and they loved them. 

They've also said they're desperately short of drawstring bags measuring 16 x 20 inches to be used for children and adults escaping domestic violence situations.  So if you have time to make some that would be great.

I've knitted jumpers for 2 more rescued teddy bears and the miniature jumper was made in 3 ply and fine needles. So cute to knit. 

So far this year we have donated 359 quilts and it's only been possible due to support from all of you. Many thanks everyone. 

Hugs, Jan Mac