Saturday, April 3, 2021

185 Quilts.

It's taking me longer to recover from this gastro/flu than I had expected and I have been sick for 2 weeks now so there's been lots of Nanna naps and rests. I had started sorting and packing quilts a few weeks ago and it was a relief to be able to make deliveries and create some storage room for us again.
Mums Supporting Families in Need  (MSFIN) sent their minivan and took 20 large boxes containing 165 quilts, cot blankets, baby floor mats, new handknits, bed linen etc. 
 We also delivered 8 boxes of donations to Backpacks 4 Vic Kids containing 20 quilts, new clothing, 8 Santa Sacks, some gifts for Christmas,  books and toys. Thankfully we were able to make it a contactless delivery as I am still recovering from the respiratory infection (not Covid).

      I've been knitting more than sewing while I  recover but hope to get back into full production as soon as I recover. Our precious grand daughter will be arriving in a couple of weeks and we're all just hoping we'll be over the runny nose and coughing before she arrives. I am still knitting her baby shawl so I had better get that finished this week.

    I hope you're all enjoying some relaxing time with family and friends over Easter. So far this year, we have donated 248 quilts and I still have more quilts boxed and ready to go to bushfire areas,  Peter Mac, Anglicare and Knox SOCAIT. 

    Although we're having unusually warm weather it will soon change and people in need will be very happy to receive a quilt as the organisations we support have reported that all if their basic supplies are running low. 

Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. So pleased to see your blog post and to hear about the boxes of goodies going on their way to their new homes. You do amazing work, Jan. Now you need to rest ( with knitting if that helps you to relax) and get yourself fully fit for the arrival of your first granddaughter. Take care, Happy Easter. X

  2. What a wonderful effort by you and all your helpers....hope you are better soon.
