Thursday, November 12, 2020

More Quilts Donated.

We delivered another 90 quilts to 3 organizations we support. Thirty quilts went to each of Vic Foster Kids, Peter Mac Cancer Centre and Anglicare. It's been a difficult year for everyone with the Covid restrictions preventing most organizations supporting their clients as normal,  and there has also been a huge increase in demand for their services.

  I'm also in contact with another organization which is desperately short of basic necessities for women and kids displaced by domestic violence. We're hopeful that we will also be able to assist them with some quilrs, pillowcases, new clothing etc.

I have also made 2 baby play mats from some donated QAYG blocks,  as they have been requested by a few organizations. 
I've also been busy knitting more baby items for disadvantaged young mums and their children. It seems like there are so many people in need due domestic violence,  financial hardship and homelessness and this has been increased by the pandemic. 

     To date, we've distributed 620 quilts and 60 blankets, and I am busy getting more tops quilted as quickly as possible to meet the needs of these communities experiencing hard times.

Many thanks for your generous support everyone. 

Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Lovely baby mats and baby knitting. Good idea to make up QAYG blocks into the requested play mats. Nice to be able to immediately respond to a request. The baby matinee jacket is a most unusual design, not seen a pattern like that before. Well done, Jan. What size QAYG. Locks did you use? 10.5”? An amazing total of gifted quilts!!!

  2. I love to see all the pretty things your organization is donating. It's inspiring! :)

  3. Nice to see my blocks being put to good use
