Sunday, October 11, 2020

This Week's Finishes.


 Lesley Lowe from Victoria has been very busy making some lovely I Spy tops and they will make lovely quilts for kids so I am trying to get them quilted quickly.

This lovely bright quilt was made from a set of Cathedral Window blocks donated by Del Soden from NSW,  they were made into a top by one of the AQA night ladies, and I quilted and bound it so it was a real team effort and a lovely cheery quilt resulted. The binding was donated by Sandra Orszaczky from ACT and the bright stripes were ideal to natch the top.
The Coleambally Quilters from NSW donated lots of lovely quilts as well as a large box of QAYG blocks and these 2 quilts were made from some of those. The fabric in the blocks was very similar in both quilts but using different colours for the joining strips changes the look of each one. 
So the pile of finished quilts is continuing to grow and I hope that travel restrictions will be lifted by the end of the year so we can deliver them to those in need. At least we will have plenty to deliver. 
Stay safe everyone.  Hugs, Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. Love I Spy and Cathedral windows quilts. Interesting how the different coloured sashing completely alters the look of those 2 QAYG blocks.
