Tuesday, October 6, 2020

More Generous Donors.

The postman has been busy again and parcels arrive in the evening and weekend now so they must be very busy. Due to Covid restrictions a lot of Melbourne mail is sorted interstate at the moment. I posted a parcel to Qld last week and one to our DD who lives 5.5km away. The Qld one arrived in 3 days and the Melbourne one went to Adelaide for sorting and returned to the next suburb over in 7 days. Strange times but at least we're adapting and our DD loved the 24 year old UFO I finished which was a quilt she made when she was 12.

     Jean Ramm from Vic has very generously donated  beautiful batik top and binding and it will make a very pretty quilt to treasure.

Jo Butterfield from Vic has very generously been knitting as well as making the QAYG blocks and she sent 2 lovely warm beanies for people in need.
Sandra Orszaczky from ACT has very generously donated another large parcel containing 2 lovely quilt tops as well as backing and other fabric.
Sandea also sent a large bag of prepared bindings which will save me lots of time. 
Sandra's friend also very generously donated this beautifully knitted and warm blanket which will be very welcome.
Now that child care centres are open again we have our precious grandsons here again and it's such a joy to be able to play and cuddle them again. They were missing us too and their parents are appreciating being able to focus on work which doesn't include child care too.

Having such a long break from child care days has been hard but at least I had more time to finish donation quilts. I've been busy finishing quilts made from donated QAYG blocks and will have more to share soon.

Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. Beautiful donations, it is wonderful to be able to spend time with your grand children again.

  2. More great donations. Well done to all of your kind followers. So lovely to see photos of your delight grandsons. They look very happy to be at Nana and Grandad’s house.

  3. So many wonderful folk giving generously.. Lovely to have a pile of bindings ready to go.
    The boys are growing up quickly and great they can come and spend time with you again while Mum and Dad work..
