Wednesday, September 2, 2020

More UFOs To Finish.

 I've spent most of the last week still sorting,  pressing and cutting scraps into useable squares.  It becomes a bit of an obsession, trying to get things in order while we don't have the boys. I'm tired but this is my big chance to get things organized while our strict lockdown rules continue. I was gifted a very large amount of UFOs, fabric, scraps and some magazines from Jo B., who was one of my blog readers, as she knew that I would finish her treasures and donate them on her behalf.
    This first set of blocks was one of her UFOs and her workmanship was lovely so they need to be finished in her honour. Two of the blocks need the fused pieces to be machine appliqued and I will add some sashing, borders and probably more blocks to make a larger quilt.
 This lovely cross stitch piece was another if Jo B.'s UFOs and I will finish this, probably as a cushion cover or table runner, and donate it to Peter Mac's auxiliary shop to raise funds for patient services.

 This is one of my UFOs that I started a few years ago and have stalled on. I enjoyed stitching the stars as a nice hand piecing project. A quilting friend, Faye B., very kindly made the 4 patch blocks to help it get finished more quickly and ready to donate, so I am taking a break from scrap play to piece this one and get it finished.
This lovely little quilt was donated by one of the AQA night ladies for our bushfire quilt drive and it will delight a young girl.
     Thankfully Spring has arrived and our days are getting warmer and Jake face times us a couple of days ago so I could read him a story.  His giggles are infectious and Aidan's language skills are increasing rapidly. We love receiving little videos of them playing together,  singing or dancing and it helps us to feel connected. I'm grateful that we're all well and that I have plenty of projects to keep me occupied.
    Stay safe everyone.
Hugs, Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. So good to nice to see unfinished projects getting attention.
