Saturday, September 26, 2020

More Finishes and Arrivals.

The first beautiful QAYG quilt was made from blocks donated by Marie Lee and several quilters who are members of Vic Quilters Association.  Using the same coloured joining strips makes them all work together nicely and it will bring comfort when it's distributed.
Lesley Lowe from Victoria donated several beautiful I Spy kid's tops and I've quilted one and plan on getting more finished soon.
Helen Page from Victoria also sent a large parcel of lovely quilt tops as well as lots of orphan blocks which will make more beautiful quilts to donate when I combine them with others I have on hand. 

Many thanks for your help everyone. 
Hugs, Jan Mac 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely batch! I love to see orphan blocks put to good use, so I'm looking forward to these finding their way into comfort quilts :)
