Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Finishes, Donations and Puddling Along.

 I'm puddling along still trying to tidy my sewing room but it's "like shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic". Perhaps I should throw all the bits and pieces in some boxes, put them in the garage and start again. Although I guess I already did that when we moved and I am still looking for things.  Lol.
     I put together a kit of orphan blue blocks and Kaye H.  from AQA's night group put them together as a top. Now I have quilted it and it's  ready for donation and a really pretty quilt.
I received a lovely long strip of pieced leftover jelly roll strips ( I think from Margaret Bryant from Vic) and it was great as an addition to make a backing large enough for this quilt.  If you have any fabrics you've tired of I can always use these long strips or 10.5 inch squares which I piece as tops. It's a great way to use up FQs that have stayed too long in the cupboard.
 Anne Marie Ward from WA donated this lovely set of crocheted squares and I have finished them into a blanket to donate.
 More knitting has been happening again this week and I have finushed a baby jacket and hat which will be donated to St Kilda Mums, an organization which supports disadvantaged young mums and their children.  They're also helping young families who have been affected by the recent bushfires.
 I've been machine appliqueing donated odd blocks and will put them together as a kit when I have enough.
 Leslie Schwartz from Vic donated this lovely top and $20 towards the cost of backing etc. Leslie commented that it was probably not appropriate for the bushfire quilt drive and I will finish this one for a patient at Peter Mac.
 Jill Ferguson from NSW donated 4 lovely quilts and her granddaughters had helped her with the smaller 2 quilts. It's lovely to hear that so many people are willing to help others in need.

 Today I received another parcel and it was from my local library. I usually access their online resources but there were a couple of books which weren't available on line. I was very surprised that they offered to post them and they asked if I wanted any others to fill the box so I asked for any books on quilting. What a great free service! We're half way through our Stage 4 lockdown and the number of people infected is finally coming down so it has been worth it. I neec to nake some more masks for family too as it looks like we will need them for some time.
    Today I've been making backings for donated tops so I can get some more quilted soon.
Stay safe everyone. Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. The orphan blocks work amazingly well together! Great donations again, and your knitted baby garments are very sweet.

  2. All lovely things but the Orphan blocks quilts is amazing. Your sewer put it together so beautifully. No one would ever know it was not a “planned “ quilt, all those blocks look as thought they were made especially for that quilt design.
