Monday, July 27, 2020

What's Happening.

 We're 18 days into our second lockdown here in Melbourne and it feels like it's been harder this time as the numbers of people infected continue to climb. We're both healthier than ever as we're not leaving home and catching the usual coughs and colds. I shouldn't complain as we're lucky that we don't have concerns about trying to work, financial worries etc, but I have been feeling a bit flat, probably because we've had to postpone delivering the bushfire quilts again so I've slowed down a bit with quilting donated tops and have spent some time with some stitching of projects for me.

  Anne Marie Ward from WA has very kindly donated another beautiful top as well as 24 more lovely crocheted squares for another blanket.
 I did get an older donated top quilted and this will go onto the pile for Peter Mac patients as they will also need quilts again very soon.
 This top was one of AQA's tops that I have quilted and it will also be going to Peter Mac.
 One highlight of our days are these 2 precious boys. We're caring for the boys so their parents can work and both families have continued to isolate so we can do this safely.
 This takes me back to when our children were young and playing in the cupboards.

I'm also making up kits from donated orphan blocks and finishing donated UFOs as well as working on some needle turned applique blocks so life is busy and I hope you're all staying safe and enjoying some time to stitch.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. I'm pleased your family and you are keeping well at this time...
    Great to see so many kind folk still donating and hopefully you hubby and you can deliver quilts to the folk soon.
    So good to have those gorgeous boys a few days a week to keep you smiling.

  2. Good yo hear you are keeping safe, so nice you can spend time with your grand children.
    Quilt delivery can happen when it is safer.
