Thursday, May 28, 2020

UFO Finishes 6, 7 and 8.

 While looking for backing fabric I came across this first long time UFO. It was donated and I hadn't finished it as it's a table runner and quilts were needed. Instead of relegating it to the storage tub again I decided to finish it as a table runner and donate it to the Peter Mac auxiliary shop to raise funds for patient services. It didn't take long to find backing, then quilt and bind it. I have decided that I need to start making some Christmas items for them to sell much earlier this year so I don't run out of time.
 As a change from quilting tops I thought I would go through some of the UFOs I have received from Peter Mac and make more items fof them to sell. This table runner was made from 2 different abandoned projects and the Cobblestone blocks were fairly uninspiring so I  combined them with the hexagons from another donated UFO. All of the fabric was donated to Peter Mac and now it's a finished item, it will return to them for sale. I'm only counting it as one UFO instead of 2 as I still have a few blocks and hexagons to use. Lots of the donated UFOs are blocks in small amounts and, rather than turning everything into quilts which requires me making a lot more blocks, I'm making bags, table runners etc.
 I also found this UFO while tidying up and finished it too. I had started to sew a trim of "bear" theme fabric one Aidan's cot sheets and still had 2 to complete. At least this one is finished but I still have to find another one I'd started.
 They're only fairly quick finishes but it's good to have them done and a break from quilting.  We're full time caring for our grandsons again and enjoying seeing them grow and learn. Aidan has just started walking and talking and he's 1 on Sunday.
Jake seems to be getting much taller and his language skills are very good. I asked him to tell me a story and he said " Once upon a time, in a land far away,  there was a king and he's not happy". Not sure where that came from. He can spell his name and he's very happy that the parks have opened and he's able to use the swings and slides again.
   Not as much time for quilting now the boys are here again but there is always the weekend and nights for that,  and we love being part of their lives.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. What nice projects you’ve finished with the UFOs. They do accumulate though, don’t they?

  2. Wonderful to get some finished and things for the hospital shop. Lovely to spend time with the boys and see them grow and develop.

  3. Still say you are amazing
    Gorgeous Grandies So nice to be able to see them

  4. Nice to have time to make some things for the hospital shop.
    Both boys are growing up so fast and what a joy to have them spend time with yous...
