Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Time Well Spent.

 It's lovely to receive more donations for the Oz Comfort Quilts bushfire quilt appeal and obviously lots of our supporters are spending their time in isolation getting more donation quilts made.
  Waverley Patchworkers have very generously donated another 6 quilts and Norma Aitken and Wendy Cadby made the first lovely quilt especially for a quilter.
 They also made a beautiful bag and filled it with lots of useful things for a quilter who lost their home.
 They also made this lovely bright kid's quilt.
 Barbara Henderson donated 2 lovely large quilts.

 Barbara Henderson also worked with Annie Andrews to make another 2 lovely quilts as well as the brightly coloured crocheted blanket.

 Helen Stewart from Vic sent another parcel with another lovely top she made and also included 3 more tops donated by friends.

The restrictions and effects of Covid-19 means that the people affected by the devastating bush fires could feel like they have been forgotten so it's lovely to see so much support for the bushfire quilt drive and know that we will have lots of quilts to donate when travel restrictions are lifted.
   I hope you're all staying safe and enjoying some time on your stitching.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. After catching up on so many of your post it's wonderful to so many wonderful folk making and donating to you for donations... Not only quilts but masks, gowns etc...
    Great you can catch up with your family online and phone. Love the jumper you are knitting for the boys....
