Saturday, April 4, 2020

Time For Slow Stitching .

 I've been very busy making gowns and masks for a major hospital to be used to help them retrain staff in time to deal with the expected increased impact on their resources by Covid-19 virus.  With help from some of  my Oz Comfort Quilts quilters, we made 15 gowns, 15 masks and 9 scrub hats in the last week. However, although we used the pattern they requested it appears that they have changed their mind about what they require. It's very disappointing when we put in so much time and fabric to make them at short notice but the stresses of working under pressure to get thjngs done quickly means that they didn'tmake a group decision about what they wanted. Initially the feedback was that they were very happy with them but the person in charge wants to try another style.
     The items we made won't be a waste as I have been asked to supply them by another group so we will pass them onto that group. I did suggest it might be a good idea to seek professionals as a factory in Sydney has been contracted to make scrubs for a hospital in Sydney. I was happy to help but would really prefer to be quilting.
     I have been feeling very tired so I have taken the last couple of days a bit more slowly and decided to spend some time slow stitching as spending so much time at the sewing machine was also causing a few aches and pains.
      A lovely lady in Qld, Linda Rother, very kindly donated 4 incomplete Blocks of the Month and 2 friends are finishing 2 of them and I have one to work on. These blocks have a mix of applique and some stitchery and I am enjoying the change of pace.  Linda had commenced 3 of the 12 blocks and I have finished up 2 of those.
The block below was finished apart from the stitchery.
The block above has been partially appliqued and I am working on that one now.
These blocks will be finished for the Oz Comfort Quilts bushfire quilt appeal and I will probably make 2 quilts for kids as the blocks are quite large.
    I hope you're all staying safe and enjoying working on finishing up some UFOs as well as getting excited by new projects.
     I'm going to try to slow down a bit, and I must need it, as I have been having nanna naps for the last couple of days.  So I will be busy quilting and also spend some quiet time stitching.
  Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Take it easy and don't ware yourself out. Take care

  2. Good idea to slow down a bit and look after yourself.

  3. Pleased you are taking time to do some slow stitching Jan and having a nana nap too. You deserve it. 🤗🤗
