Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Platypus Patchers from Tasmania.

 The Platypus Patchers of Tasmania are a group of 12 quilters who have supported Oz Comfort Quilts' quilt appeals in the past and they have very generously donated more quilts this time.
   Marlene King sent the first 2 lovely quilts shown here and I love the effect of machine appliqueing the burgundy strips on the first quilt.
 Lynn Archer made the next 2 quilts and the colours are lovely.

 Diane Muir donated the blue machine embroidered quilt and also 4 tops, some orphan blocks and binding.
 Margo Barber sent the next 2 lovely quilts and they will also be such lovely quilts to donate.

So many quilters are generously donating their beautiful quilts to our bushfire quilt drive and it will really help the communities to know that they haven't been forgotten as they recover and rebuild their homes. Thank you all on their behalf.
Hugs, Jan Mac

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