Saturday, February 8, 2020

Gratefully Received.

 More fabulous quilts have arrived as well as more tops and blocks to finish. Stephanie Driel from WA is a long term supporter of Oz Comfort Quilts and she has sent 3 fabulous quilts as shown in the first 3 photos.

 Marg Coulthard (Vic) is another long term supporter and she made 35 lovely QAYG blocks .
 Marg also donated 6 fabulous quilt tops as well as 2 large pieces of backing fabric.

 Marg's speciality is her machine appliqued quilts and these are just lovely and will make some wonderful donation quilts .
 Lyn Stephen (Vic ) donated 2 more beautiful jelly roll quilts.

 Sue Taylor (Vic) has very generously donated another child's top, batting and backing .
 Sandea McLay (Vic) donated these 4 wonderful finished larger quilts.

 Sandra also donated this beautiful top from repro 1930s fabrics.
 She also donated 3 large pieces of fabric and 2 sets of binding .
 It was my birthday yesterday and a very busy day so today was my chance to catch up on quilting. I pinned 4 tops and quilted 5 quilts so tomorrow I will share photos of those and the quilts I finished earlier in the week. Now I am busy recording and documenting all donations and sewing labels on quilts. I need more hours in the day but that's not going to happen so I'd better get to bed earlier and keep going tomorrow while I have some time.
I'm very grateful for everyone who is supporting this bushfire quilt appeal. I hope to have information soon which will allow us to start visiting the affected areas and distribute your donated quilts .
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Beautiful donations from generous friends of your blog! Belated congratulations on your birthday.

  2. Happy Birthday to you. What better way to celebrate than spending the day sewing.
    Lovely quilts from everyone.

  3. Happy birthday to you Jan, and thank you for all the wonderful work you are doing.
    Wonderful quilts.

  4. Happy Birthday wishes, hoe you had a lovely time with your family.
