Sunday, January 26, 2020

Oz Comfort Quilts Finishes.

 I've been busy quilting so I can get donated tops finished and also adding borders to some as well as making backings. This first top was beautifully machine embroidered by Heather Mahncke and her mother, from Vic. I added borders and it's a lovely bright quilt which will be treasured.
 This second top was one of 3 donated by MaryAnn Kane from New Zealand and it's the last one quilted now. I like to get them finished as quickly as possible while I have time.
 This lovely bright top was one of 5 donated by Maia Butler from NSW and I have quilted them all now.
 This bright and cheerful child's I Spy quilt was donated by Margaret Bryant from Vic and she very kindly sent batting, backing and binding so it was quick to finish.
Lastly, another QAYG quilt made mostly from blocks made by Stephanie D in W.A. as well as some blocks made by MaryAnn Kane from New Zealand.
   Thank you all for your support with our bushfire quilt drive . The pile of quilts is growing steadily.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. You must have a great pile. I hope to be posting a parcel this week.

  2. Beauties! You have some awesome and very giving quilters. Blessings and prayers for all during these hard times 💜

  3. More super quilts! All lovely, so interesting to see such a variety of ideas.
