Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Oz Comfort Quilts Finished and Donation.

 Three more quilts finished for donation by Oz Comfort Quilts and it's great to get more tops quilted. This fabulous first quilt was an anonymously donated hand pieced top and it'sa special quiot which will be loved by it's recipient.
 This lovely quilt was a top donated by Desley R. from W.A. and it was originally twice the size  and a bit too large for donation at the time. I divided it into two and this is the second part I have finished for donation. Many thanks Desley for your continued support.
 This larger QAYG quilt was made from blocks made by Stephanie D. from Perth, W.A. Stephanie keeps me supplied with QAYG blocks throughout the year and it was easy to put together.
Elaine White from Canberra runs a business called Treasured Textiles and she sells beautiful batik fabrics.  She very generously donated to Oz Comfort Quilts with 3 metres of 3 beautiful fabrics and another 1 metre each of two others. They were intended for backings but they are so lovely it's a shame to only use them on the back. Whether they appear on the front of the back, they will help to make more beautiful quilts to donate. Many thanks  Elaine.
Thanks to everyone for your support.
Hugs, Jan Mac