Monday, January 6, 2020

Oz Comfort Quilts Bushfire Appeal.

 We're off to a good start with quite a few questions about the QAYG blocks and many quilters are pledging blocks. These 6 quilts were what I made this week for the Oz Comfort Quilts bushfire appeal. It was a dull day and still not good for photos but we've had some light rain so we won't complain.

 The QAYG blocks were all donated and I made these 3 quilts in one day thanks to having blocks on hand.
 A donated top I've quilted.
 This lovely dinasour top was made and donated by Marg C. and it will be loved by the chikd who receives it.
This lovely top was hand pieced and donated. I have made it into 2 tops as it was very large. It's a special quilt which will warm the heart and bring comfort.
Many thanks for your interest and questions . I have our 2 year old and 7 month old apprentices here today so sewing will have to wait until tonight. It feels good to be started on this quilt appeal and know that we can do something to help.
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. Great quilts you have made so far for the appeal.

  2. You are amazing and I will be definitely be sending you more.

  3. All quilts are lovely and defiantly will be loved by the recipient.
