Friday, January 31, 2020

More Donations Arrive.

 This beautiful heart quilt was very generously donated by Laurel Box from Vic and she and her friend, Judy McCoy, also made 40 QAYG blocks and also sent some bindings.
 Sue Palmer (Vic) has very kindly sent another 19 QAYG blocks to make more beautiful quilts to donate .
 One of my blog readers, Linda Ashworth from the UK, has very generously donated another 28 QAYG blocks and I am very grateful to receive them to make more quilts .
 Fiona Lazenby from Vic very generously purchased more printed media fabric and printed and stitched approximately another 100 labels which saves me lots of time.
 Maia Butler from NSW very generously donated another jelly roll top as well as 28 QAYG blocks.
Saying thanks for your help seems inadequate but I really appreciate your trust and generosity. I am starting to develop contacts for distribution, although it probably won't happen before mid March with the initial delivery, and just knowing that we are wanting to offer some comfort has already helped the communities to feel they haven't been forgotten. I think we're going to need more quilts than initially expected as some families might not have lost their home but the bushfires have traumatized the children and I would like to be able to give every child in the affected areas a quilt as we did in the Kinglake area . We will work with the schools and local communities starting in Victoria first.
 Better get back to quilting.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Lovely to see donations rolling in. Glad my QAYG blocks survived the journey from the UK.

  2. Good to hear that there are already plans for the distribution of the quilts. Your work is so important!

  3. Its so wonderful to see so many donations rolling in. Your work is most appreciated.

  4. Lovely to see the donations coming to you, good to hear distribution ideas are happening, thank you for all your work with this Jan.
