Monday, December 23, 2019

UFO Monday.

No more UFO finishes this week but I did stitch down this large orphan block to background fabric.  Then I plan to make co-ordinating blocks using similar fabric and use this piece as a central block. It won't be finished soon but it will be another one to cross off the list for next year.
        I have loved finishing UFOs this year and think I will continue with this focus next year but I think I also need to start a new project to keep my interest.
  There probably won't be any sewing either over the next few days but time with family is always very precious.
   I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas with those you love and some quiet time to rest and recover. Even if I don't have time for the sewing machine I hope to do some hand stitching and I'm also knitting baby jackets to donate but that is more relaxing than wrangling quilts through the machine.
Take care everyone.
Hugs ,Jan Mac 

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