Monday, November 25, 2019

UFO Monday - 30th and 31st UFO Finishes.

 Some sewing at night and a couple of child free days meant that I have finished 2 more UFOs and almost finished a third. This first one resulted from some half square triangles I had sewn and put away so when I had some more left over from a donated top, it was time to get them put together and finished. I have lots more signature squares as well as boxes and boxes of 6 inch squares so I can see lots more of these in my future.
 This lovely quilt was a UFO  as it was from a quilt which was too large for donation and I took it apart and finished one quilt but still had these blocks leftover. Finally they were put together,  borders added and then quilted and bound.
 This top is ready for quilting and resulted from these Chinese Coins strips leftover from another project. I used hand dyed fabric to add sashing and borders and it came together well. Now I  need to find backing and get it finished .
Jake's parents had a wedding yesterday and they took Aidan so we didn't have to try bottle feeding him again. He was refusing to even drink breast milk in the bottle so we're abandoning that for a few months before we try again. I had a lovely day again with Jake, playing tea parties, trains and reading lots of books. He's such a loving little boy and now that he's sleeping well I even had some time to sew a little.
I'm also thrilled to get more UFOs finished and as they will all be donated, I have started getting quilts ready for another donation to Peter Mac .
Hugs, Jan Mac 


  1. The two quilts in brown shades are really beautiful!

  2. I lwzys enjoy seeing your projects, you are a "wonder woman" indeed!

  3. Jan you sure are a wonder women...
    Lovely photo of young master Jake.....
